Mission Statement

To assist parents in their covenantal duty to equip the next generation with the truth of God’s Word through all subjects; that they might serve faithfully in His Kingdom to the glory of God, through the means of a Classical Christian approach.

God has bestowed on mankind the ability to explore, investigate, and discover truths about the universe, in order to exercise dominion over it, and to bring Him glory. Christian education must diligently strive to develop each individual’s God-given capacities, so that they may be used to God’s glory—to whom much is given, much is expected. Therefore it is the goal of Covenant Classical to identify and cultivate the unique gifts each individual student possesses.

We see the value of individuals coming together for the sake of educating our future generations. The classical approach to education is designed to fit the natural growth process of children. As young children, they are able to soak up the world around them and retain large amounts of information with very little effort (the grammar stage). As they approach the early teenage years, they naturally learn to question their surroundings, looking for truth among competing ideas. In the logic phase, we seek to equip students with the ability to rightly reason truth from counterfeit. Once they are able to discern truth, they need to learn to articulate well the truths that they know through sounds arguments and persuasion (the rhetoric stage). All of these various stages benefit from the input of peers and adults alike. We take seriously our duty to train up our children in the way they should go, that they should not depart from it.

You may speak but a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian Church in years to come.

C.H. Spurgeon